Lucky is the last word I would use to describe what we have gone through in the last week however, one of the other parents here at the hospital used exactly that word to describe our situation. Lucky... I feel very far away from lucky, and when people used the word lucky I usually change it to blessed. I do feel blessed, but I am not sure that even describes the past week. I could list a bunch of reasons why I feel blessed, but that still doesn't describe this week.
Sirena's mother is the one that called me lucky, and I would like to tell you a little about this precious girl so you could pray for her.
Sirena is 14 months old and has been in and out of this hospital since November. In November they removed a tumor from her brain, and she has been on chemo ever since and will remain on chemo until this November. After her surgery they were here for 4 months, and now are here because she got an infection in the port she gets chemo in. When I look at
Sirena and then I look at Carter I do feel "lucky" and very blessed. I do not want to watch my little boy go through chemo, or any other procedures. Please pray fervently for these next few tests. We are trying not to worry and just pray, but I am not doing a very good job at this.
Carter did not sleep well last night which means we didn't either. He is so tired at this point, he can't fall asleep. If they sedate him for his bone scan today at 1, he may just sleep until tomorrow morning! (one can only hope) Carter is going to get a chest x-ray today and if everything looks good they will remove the chest tube. Please pray they remove this today so we can go "home".
Yesterday we got to take Carter in a ride around the hospital in a wagon. I think this was more fun for us than Carter but
that's OK. Carter also got to see big brother Evan, which was more exciting to Evan than Carter. I feel like Evan has grown up so much in the past week.
We have been asked if people could bring Mike meals next week while he is home and I am not, please direct your willingness to help to Martha at the church, she is
coordinating all of that.
We have been so amazed at all of your prayers, comments, calls, and willingness to help. We REALLY appreciate all of you. You have been a blessing to us.
I'm in my 20's and have leukemia. I understand the fear that comes with the word cancer. I am praying for Carter and for Granton, the Bayless' and you. Make God give you hope and sustain you during this difficult time. It's really hard not to worry. Time and time again I have to give my worries to the Lord. In His Love....
Dear Precious Family,
Every morning we can't wait to read what you have posted. We never cease to be amazed how you are such an encouragement to us as we travel with you on this journey of faith. The other amazing event unfolding is the bond that you had with the Bayless family before you even knew about Carter. Yes, we pray for our "2 Bolivar Boys" and their families. Only the LORD could orchestrate such events. You and We are "blessed" to worship a God who is our everlasting God,our creator, and never grows weary or faint. We can trust His Heart even when we can't see His Hands. We are thankful He is in your yesterday's, today's and tomorrow's. Love Urich's 1 John 3:1
I'm praying for you and will continue. You don't know me, but I know Daniel, he was my coach in high school. Stay Strong! Bolivar citizens and many many more people are praying and will continue! These little boys are precious and are proving what Faith and Hope can do! :)
I am so amazed at what God is doing in your lives. You have been such a blessing to us through this journey. Your quick to share your faith and your fright. Things that all of us feel and yet aren't so quick to say. You are a remarkable young couple. We will pray for the precious little girl and for our sweet little Carter.
We love you and love hearing from you. Larry & Joy
Gina, it's Sarah Bigler. I know long time! I am so sorry to be meeting back up with you under these circumstances, but Amy sent me the address to your little ones blog. I just wanted to let you know that I am praying for you guys!! I know this must be a trying time but the Lord will see you through. I would love to catch up with you
I check back to see how Carter is doing, but we will be praying for you.
Love, Sarah
Mike, Gina, Evan & Carter
You are constantly in my prayers.
You will have to share with me after you get home, how God has helped you with this struggle.
Love You,
Rev. Charles D. Good (Dan)
So Mike can dish it out (lunch here at school) but he can't MAKE it? Gina, I don't blame you for asking for help in making Mike's and Evan's meals next week...I'm sure he could feed Evan a good bowl of spagettios but that might get boring after a while!
We're glad to hear you will be sprung from the hospital soon and praying that Carter is not hurting. I know Mike said he was "grumpy" when we spoke yesterday so we're hoping today he's restful and happy.
Take care,
We'll keep praying,
Jackie and family
We have placed Carter on our Prayer Response Team to pray for him at North County Community Church. Iwill follow updates on blog. Please let us know if we can help in any way!
Mark Brauss
Mike and Gina,
I pray that you all have a restful weekend. The "Bolivar Boys" are in my daily prayers and through this also the many nameless children and parents that go through an ordeal like this. It really puts our "problems" in perspective. Let us know if you need anything. --Lisa Berg
Mike and Gina,
I think and pray for you all most of the day and night. When I wake up Carter and Granton are the first things on my mind. Praying God's blessings in their lives, delivery from their illnesses, and peace for their families. You be strong. Accept the Dr's directions. God is in this. Please call me if I can drive Frances up there to visit or do anything for Mike when he gets home with Evan.
I love you all,
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