Monday, October 20, 2008

Not Me Monday!

I did not stand at the time clock at work for one minute so I could get another quarter of an hour pay, that would be so ridiculous and I don't have time to do things like that.

I did not work out longer than usual just so I could go to Dairy Queen.

I did not eat a DQ blizzard while watching The Biggest Loser.

I did not check McMama's blog during church yesterday because I had not checked on her since Friday. Seriously, who would do something like that.

I did not laugh at Carter while he pouted because I was holding Evan and not him. Carter is SO jealous.

I did not eat a hamburger and cheesy french fries at Steak N Shake at 10 p.m. That would be so bad for me and I am a healthy girl!

I did not go running yesterday. My ankle has only been better for 2 weeks and running would be stupid and way to soon.

To see more Not Me Monday's visit Mckmama.


Rachel said...

Gina -
You are so funny, I really do love these posts!!! Love and MISS you!!!


Lisa said...

I loved reading your Not me! Monday posts. Sounds like you and I are so alike when it comes to watching Biggest Loser. I just have the major munchies when that show is on (lol).

-stephanie- said...

ohhhh, I miss Steak N Shake. None of those in the north.

Ashley said...

Mmmmm cheeseburger and cheesyfries!! sure would be good!

Anonymous said...

Love the "Not me" Mondays. OOhh...Steak and Shake at 10. Ouch. :)
