Tuesday, April 14, 2009

God is good!!

What an unbelievable testimony Carter will have some day. The Lord God Almighty has done mighty things in Carter's life and I will forever praise His name.
Carter's appointment went fairly well but the results were wonderful. NO CANCER!!! The scan was clear.
Sometimes I feel like I am in a dream going to doctors appointments getting scans to see if his tumor has returned, I wish all kids could have this happy of a story. The battle with cancer can be so horrible but for Carter it has been everything but that, I am so amazed at what the Lord has done in our lives. I was told again yesterday that most kids with neuroblastoma don't have this happy of a story. This type of cancer is rarely found early and rarely diagnosed without having to go through chemo. Rejoice, again I say Rejoice! Thank you Jesus.
Carter had a crazy reaction to the sleepy medicine they gave him. They give him enough medicine to calm him and make him lay still but not to fall asleep. The scan went fine and he did great but as soon as he started to come out of his daze he was a wild man. It was the most absolutely horrible experience in my life. To say he threw a temper tantrum would be an understatement. Carter threw the BIGGEST fit for 25 minutes and nothing we did would calm him. He would scream for a cracker and then throw the cracker on the floor, he was throwing everything, thrashing, crying, kicking...horrible. Then as quick as he started he was done and playing and back to cute Carter. Mike doesn't usually go to the appointments with me because he usually has to stay home so I think Carter was just making sure his daddy had a great time...HA!
Oh, the best part, we don't have to go back for 6 months!!! After that fit I was very grateful to hear that, I don't want to experience that again anytime soon.

Thank you for all of your prayers and support during the last 11 1/2 months. (Can you believe this journey has been going on for almost a year?)


Lori Myers said...

Are you sure that was our sweet little Carter? I'm not sure we'll believe you since we weren't there :). Very glad to hear your good news!

Goodnight, Mom said...

Hi Gina,

This is just such amazing news!!! I'm so happy to hear it for you!!!

That song you sang about Carter and the test is a familiar one. Welcome to what is called "emersion dementia". Eva has had this several times. She was like a crazy person with wild eyes. It was horrible. By the way, you should check with the anesthesiologist about this. There is lots they can do to prevent it.

Anyway, good news is that it will be a while until you have to deal with this again!!

Congratulations on the wonderful, wonderful news!

Anonymous said...

It's hard to believe there was ever anything wrong with little man. God is sooo good. It makes one look at life a little differntly. How precious each day is. Glad Mike was with you to experience the day. I'm glad you don't have to go back for 6 mos. You have a precious family, enjoy the moments. Joy

Julia Ladewski said...

gina, thanks for stopping by my blog and for your comments about havng a 1st b-day w/ no gifts. i pray that Carter is doing well!!